







We physicians were taught in school that the patient comes first, even before ourselves.  We rely on our intelligence to get us through the rigors of med school, residency and our career challenges.  To have more gratifying relationships, influence and success, we also need to develop our Emotional Intelligence (EQ), and Personality Intelligence (PQ). These things were not taught, nor were strategies to take care of ourselves - FIRST, so we can care well for others!

In this Invest in Yourself coaching module, we will start with your personal Quadruple Aim goals, using the Four Intelligences as a guide (see the green image below):

- Health: Physical and Mental, including Personality Intelligence (PQ)

- Wealth: Part of our Mental Growth and Development (IQ)

- Relationships: improving our (EQ) by showing our genuine, caring, compassionate heart to others

- Work-Life Balance - having a healthy, well-balanced soul/spirit starts with purpose, finding meaning in who we are, in what we do, and contributing our value to the group (SQ)



In this customizable course, you get an opportunity to work on your INDIVIDUAL ISSUES as you see fit.  Get as granular as you need to with:

  1. Personality Training - improve relationships, engagement and influence
  2. Restorative Leadership through Emotional Intelligence 
  3. Characteristics, Competencies and Styles of Great Leaders
  4. Conflict Management, Difficult / Crucial Conversations


We think of these as the hard-wired skills, which are emphasized in career training, however IQ is only 6-20% of our success in life. Personal growth and development of that raw talent is the key.

Regardless of how intelligent we may be, if we turn others off with abrasive behavior, are unaware of how we are presenting ourselves, or snap under minimal stress, no one will stick around long enough to notice our IQ. (Stein & Book 2006). That’s why is it critical to more fully develop the other three quotients!



Emotional Intelligence is an individual’s ability to act appropriately when handling our emotions. Unlike a person’s IQ, EQ cannot be measured with a single number.

EQ is more subjective, but is a huge part of an individual's success (48-80%).  Societal norms and culture are at play, and development starts in infancy. Our beliefs and behaviors are tied to our past experiences, some of which we may not even be fully aware of.

The portion of the brain that supports emotional intelligence is the last part to mature; therefore, EQ can be developed, and improved upon over time.

Training the brain and the heart in the four domains of emotional intelligence helps us adjust how we handle ourselves, communicate, manage relationships, and lead others.

4 Domains of Emotional Intelligence:

  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Management
  • Social Awareness / Empathy
  • Relationship Management (Social Skills)



EQ and SQ are closely related.  Having a healthy, well-balanced soul/spirit requires that we:

  • connect with our good feelings (passion/purpose
  • provide the highest possible quality care (meaningful work), and
  • feel we make a difference in each others’ lives.
  • Then, because we know our contributions matter, we act with integrity and go home feeling fulfilled and energized, and can bring our best selves to work again tomorrow.


PQ and EQ are also closely intertwined.  PQ is our ability to understand our own feelings and behaviors and those of others for more effective communication, relationships and teamwork. 

PQ may be the most important quotient because if we only understand life from our own perspective, we will often fail to communicate and work effectively with others.

  • 85% of job success depends upon our ability to get along well with other people.
  • 90% of conflict results from not fully understanding the concepts of human behavior.
    • 10-20% of conflicts are due to the differences between introverts and extroverts; usually minor, observable irritations, or misunderstandings.
    • 80-90% of conflict is between task-oriented people and relationship-oriented people. These tend to be major, longer-lasting, and more difficult to resolve misunderstandings.
  • I recommend that you to start this module by taking a Personality Assessment, especially if you haven't done so recently.  As your environment changes, so can your coping strategies.  Ideally, your EQ improves with time and this is a good metric to track.  Since you are a leader, I recommend you purchase the 65-page, in depth Leadership Report. This is your personal reference to improve your EQ and how best to interact with and lead others.  It's a very fun and valuable exercise.
  • If you prefer, you can take the Personality Assessment outside of the coaching program as it is a stand alone product.   Contact Dr. Kuper if you'd like an in depth, separate course on this topic alone. 
Take the Personality Assessment
Escape Your Burnout Whirlwind By Finding the Right Balance

You can't pour from an empty cup, nor draw funds from an empty bank account. You can't work well with a negative energy balance, yet healthcare workers have been programmed, and are very accustomed to doing that, chronically.  It is one of the reasons we are burned out and need to learn boundaries to take better care of ourselves and our own families. 

Who Am I and How Do I Lead? 

Burnout can leave us feeling overwhelmed and so frustrated that we're not sure we can stay in medicine. Overcoming burnout and improving upon our leadership is about building and maintaining healthy relationships and being crystal clear about our own mission, vision, and personal core values.  Mastering these strategies can improve our stress, burnout, and work-life balance.  Join me!

Achieve Your Goals by Improving Your Soft Skills

This Model of Human Behavior will improve your relationships, influence, and overall success in life.  You will learn about your personality traits and motivational drives to improve your self-awareness. You will also improve your social-awareness and emotional intelligence to interact better with other personality styles. These soft skills are so valuable they should be taught in elementary school! 


"People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”



Investing in YOURSELF is the first step in your Success.