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I am not good at the recognition part of my leadership, but I just wanted to say how much I appreciate all the hard work you put into this program. The information is vastly necessary for physicians since few of us have had exposure to this type of in-depth content.

Thank you for your dedication to creating it and for your personal mentorship. I know my wife, patients and co-workers will appreciate the value I have gained from your program!

- J.M. MD -

I have not only benefitted from Dr. Kuper’s program, but I have seen her implement her skills in real life. She is a tremendous asset to not only her beloved patients, but to our entire team, all the way from the front desk to the ancillary support staff.

She mentors us to be leaders using excellent teamwork and not only that; she makes every day a great working environment. This program will help us all become better leaders, no matter what our role within the organization.

- M.M. RN -

Dr. Kuper is a highly respected, professional, physician leader. She has so much passion and respect for each of her patients, colleagues, and coworkers. Her fellow colleagues often consult with her for her expertise, and she always takes the time to answer everyone’s questions, whether it be clinical or administrative in nature. This program has been her passion for many years and is a true reflection of her personal mission, vision and values that she lives out every day. I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to improve their leadership skills.

- D.W. MD -