Burnout has long been recognized as a result of multiple stressors, any of which can lead to suboptimal personal and patient care. 

Moral injury describes the challenge of simultaneously knowing what care patients need but being unable to provide it due to constraints that are beyond our control.

If not properly addressed, these problems can continue to fester with each passing day. 

In this module, we will empower you to:

  1. Understand the Signs, Symptoms, Statistics and Causes of Burnout and Moral Injury.
  2. Explore your “WE – THEY CHASM.”
  3. Realize that Burnout is not a Personal Problem, it is an Organizational Dilemma – which requires simultaneous, duo STRATEGIES to move toward wholeness and better work-life balance.  These strategies are introduced below and are covered throughout the program.

Are these Burnout Symptoms affecting You?



Loss of energy, drive, concentration, inspiration, creativity, joy, excitement, and appreciation for your own value.



Feeling irritable, impatient, critical, sarcastic, cynical, hopeless and that there is no compassion left to give.



Feelings of disillusionment and lack of fulfillment from your job and professional achievements.



Wanting to quit, experiencing physical and/or mental ailments, change in sleep, using food or substances to cope, or having suicidal thoughts?

The Storms of Life - Burnout in the Medical Field


Self and social awareness, reflection and being willing to listen to other perspectives may be all it takes to change your focus and mindset about an experience/dilemma you are struggling with.  Can this principle be applied to burnout too?  Yes indeed, learn the strategies in the program!

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I'm FINE, its the System that's getting to me! 

 Many clinicians resist being characterized as burned out because that suggests s/he lacks the resilience to withstand the work environment.  There is typically nothing inherently wrong with the individual or the way s/he practices. It is the litany of unrealistic system expectations that cause the problems. Moral Injury is the challenge of knowing what patients need but being unable to provide it due to constraints that are beyond our control.

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Recognize the 6 Major Stressors that Cause Burnout


To extinquish burnout, we must first understand the major causes. THEN, enhance your leadership influence and rapport with proven strategies to manage and prevent burnout. This requires that we each perform at the top of our licenses, no matter our role in the organization. 

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The problem is both sides are struggling with burnout:

  • the Medical Team (WE), and
  • the Leadership Team (THEY).

Both sides must be able to effectively communicate their “pain” to the other in order to create the collaborative change necessary to benefit the entire organization.  

Secondly, physicians and administrators trained very differently, therefore the solutions and strategies we offer will be from vastly different perspectives. Most physicians aren’t taught business or leadership skills in medical school/residency. Even fewer CEOs are medically trained, so it’s no wonder we have a hard time seeing eye-to-eye. The resulting “WE-THEY CHASM," is a common struggle for many healthcare organizations. 

Dr. Kuper will coach "How to Build a Bridge Across this We-They Chasm."   It involves collaboration between the medical team and the administrative team, using strategies to create better work-life balance, reduce stress and bring more joy into everyone's life!


6 Causes of Burnout and Moral Injury:


The sharks in the image above represent the 6 major categories of stress that cause Burnout and Moral Injury in healthcare professionals.  The complexities seem to be multiplying each year!  

Many physicians feel like they are drowning. They have become the silent minority, have lost the ability to control their own workflows, and may not have adequate influence to improve matters. 

Both INDIVIDUAL and SYSTEM issues exist, therefore simultaneous strategies are essential to manage the burnout dilemma: 

1. INDIVIDUAL ISSUES are woven throughout most of these 6 Stressors. It requires an empowering mindset to rebuild our confidence, strength, resolve, and determination to succeed; just like we had trying to get into the medical field in the first place.

Personal well-being is critical: Health, Wealth, Work-Life Balance, and Relationships!  When there is inordinate stress in any of the four dimensions, physicians struggle to care for patients or engage in meeting key goals of the healthcare organization.  However, improving the resilience of individual physicians without addressing the multitude of system issues is not an effective fix. 

2. Over half of the stressors are SYSTEM ISSUESthings that either occurred in our past or seem far out of our ability to control in this bureaucracy.  System strategies are critical for addressing the issues that drive physician burnout and career dissatisfaction.  Physicians must be well enough to help address the underlying system factors that fuel burnout.

Dr. Kuper will throw you a life-line by addressing both sides of the chasm, with both sets of strategies.  The value of peer coaching is learning from others and practicing how to tailor these strategies to your individual and organizational needs. 


This transformational leadership development program empowers medical professionals and administrators alike to face burnout, while working collaboratively to confidently effect CHANGE! 


The time is NOW.  Grab this empathetic lifeline! 


Remember - BURNOUT isn't just about you. 

The issues and the strategies involve everyone around you at work and at home - it requires balance! 

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