Why Physician Leadership, Coaching and Mentorship?

burnout management personal development physician coaching physician leadership physician mentorship Mar 29, 2022

How many of you medical professionals out there received any leadership or business coursework as a part of your training program? Who had time for that; there was way too much to learn already - RIGHT!? But once you were out in the real world, you learned those leadership skills were expected of you; and that which was overlooked in your education, would be real handy to know right now!

There definitely seems to be a tremendous need for more Level 4 Leaders in the C-Suites!  The chaos and heartbreaking stories about incivility in the workplace and dysfunctional organizational decisions are innumerable!  COVID was one thing, but the lack of appropriate leadership skills to adapt to the stress has only magnified and catapulted us into the healthcare worker shortage crisis that was predicted before COVID even peaked!  I've come to the conclusion that relying on the non-medical MBAs to lead healthcare is not going to be successful; physician leaders have got to step up to be part of the solution!  

I am forever grateful for the mentorship of my first, very kind, Level 4 leader.  This experience inspired me to learn more; and two decades later, personal development and leadership material are still the subjects I prefer to read about!  I believe leadership skills are critically important to be successful in this ever changing world.  We must also be highly proficient in burnout management strategies.  

I would love all professionals to have the opportunity to acquire those skills, yet I know what that takes, and that you don't have hundreds of hours to invest right now!  Heck, you feel like you don't have another minute to spare, your practice already controls too much of your life!  

After experiencing my fair share of dysfunctional leadership woes, I became highly motivated to create this condensed, customizable program for crazy busy professionals like you! I just can't stand by and watch my colleagues being treated so poorly!  I've got to share my experiences to help raise the bar of success within our ranks.  Everyone's situation is different, so this is not a canned program; we will discuss what is important to you and your personal development.

You can think of me as a well-being advocate; passionate and committed to assisting unhappy clinicians by lending an understanding ear, while coaching you through evidence-based leadership resources to help reach your goals.  This is a collaborative experience where "coach and client," both medical professionals, work together as peers, in an action-oriented mode aimed at exploring the issues causing your organizational distress and/or your personal burnout.  We will analyze your difficult/frustrating situations and any related self-defeating beliefs and how to take a healthier perspective so that it doesn't continue to degrade your identity and your overall point of view on life.  

We will then focus on your values, followed by setting personal and professional goals in line with those values.  We will unleash your potential by advancing your leadership competencies and performance so you not only get “unstuck” but thrive/progress within an ideal career that you orchestrate.  This process will empower you to take your influence into your organization to build a more productive and satisfying practice, better work-life balance and a happier, less stressful lifestyle. 

Still not sure?  According to VITALWorkLife.com, the benefits of peer coaching include:

• Improved overall sense of well being

• Better working relationships with nurses and other staff

• Greater enjoyment in patient care, which resulted in improved patient satisfaction

• Improved presence and mindfulness, being less distracted

• Greater sense of an internal locus of control and autonomy

• Better communication

These effects then translate into benefits for the healthcare organization:

• Avoiding costs and care disruptions associated with physician turnover

• Improved well being and retention for nurses and other care team members

• Reduced disruptive behavior and complaints from coworkers and patients

• Better team-based care, improved communication and members working at the top of their license

• Improved engagement and morale, leading to increased productivity, employee and patient satisfaction

Now you might be thinking - HOLD ON here, I've given my life to my organization, what are they going to do for ME?!

I hear you, I get it, but the C-Suite doesn't - SO, this program focuses much more on building your leadership skills so that you can have more influence to create the change that you know needs to happen.  We will talk about some Individual Resiliency Strategies, but largely about System Strategies to improve the workplace, because we ALL KNOW this is where the major problem lies - NOT with YOU!  

Keep looking through the extensive website to learn more about what I mean!  

If this peaks your interest, Sign Up today or Book a Free, confidential Call if you have any questions! 

I look forward to meeting with you,

Kris Kuper, MD, FAAP, CPE


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