What Kind of Leader Are You?

authority gradient constructive feedback culture group think leader leadership competencies leadership strategies leadership team mitigating strategies pain points strategies workflow Dec 16, 2022

Are you familiar with the kind of "BOSS"/ leader who spends too much time sitting in the office, writing reports, emails, and giving orders that don't actually achieve their intended purpose - just resentment, fear and intimidation in their direct reports?  Are his meetings really quiet because employees are afraid to ask questions or say anything?  Does the boss believe he is the only one who “knows how it’s done” and relies heavily on rules, regulations, and his authority to push people to “get things done?”  Do people follow only because they have to - because they need their job, not because they want to follow his lead?  Does this boss take the credit for a job well done, but place shame and blame for any breakdowns or failure to comply with his edict?”  

On the other end of the spectrum is the Level 4+ LEADER.  He is at the front of the charge, pulling the team forward by his example!  His people follow him anywhere because they know, like, and trust his vision.  This leader rounds frequently, getting to know people.  Employees know he cares about them because he asks, "what can I do to make your workflow more efficient and effective?"  Staff are comfortable revealing their pain points because they know the leader will work WITH them to implement mitigating strategies.  They know he will follow up to assure those strategies are working, for the good of the organization. 

Poor leaders don't ask for; nor receive constructive feedback because the authority gradient they created dissuades this kind of healthy dialogue.  A disconnect happens between the staff and the leader.  If it goes on too long, a "we vs. they" sentiment develops and can become deeply engrained in the culture.  This can lead to the dangerous predicament of Group Think because employees are afraid to speak up, or aren't even given a platform to do so, so they give up trying.  (See also the Group Think Blog)

If you feel defensive about the thought of engaging in Group Think, I challenge you to learn some very pertinent lessons from current medical events.  I have attached several video links below, please view them in their entirety.   

The Biopharmaceutical Complex - from which COVID arose, is the most demonstrable example of group think in the history of medicine, and the civilized world!  Regardless of your political position, understanding, loyalty, or stance on the subject matter – I challenge you to BE OPEN to the data being presented.  This is not about politics, conspiracy theory, or spreading “misinformation,” this is about real data and real people being harmed!  Perhaps you even know of someone who has experienced a vaccine-related adverse event; and that there is absolutely no recourse for them - nor the perpetrators. 

The information is technically detailed and spoken by leading experts in their respective fields, including not only doctors but insurance companies, actuarial companies, medical examiners and embalmers.  Again, I challenge you to listen with an open mind before your biases tempt you to argue or dismiss this information.  Those who took the vaccine are at increased risk, as these staggering statistics reveal.  You need to be aware of this information; it is my professional duty to share it!  

After you have thoroughly digested what the data is showing, ask yourself whether you need to re-evaluate your stance.  The facts are finally coming to light, and there are vastly increasing incidence and prevalence of numerous conditions, which are statistically undeniable and highly linked to the timing of the warped-speed vaccination roll out. 

I have followed this information closely since the beginning of this crisis and periodically update this blog as we learn more about the masterminds behind this "biopharmaceutical complex." The most authoritative figure I have found on the subject is Peter McCullough, MD, MPH.  

As these great leaders demonstrate, it is perfectly acceptable and expected that as you gain more information, you LEAD your team in a different direction; rather than continue to push a harmful agenda!  There is increasing evidence that it could involve someone you love - it has happened to my family!  

Is there anything you need to do differently to honor your Hippocratic oath? You don’t have to shoulder all the work of researching it, just explaining it in layman's terms to circulate the information; people need to know this from you - then they will come to their own logical conclusions. 

As a result, Americans have less trust in the medical establishment.  These experts have synthesized and presented the factual evidence, and it is astonishing!  Many other countries have banned the use of the vaccines, yet America continues to push it; when the evidence clearly shows the harm far outweighs any benefit for most age groups! 

This unveiling of the truth will lower trust and healthcare worker morale even further as they struggle to deal with the reality of this.  It could result in a worsening of the healthcare worker shortages, as people are unable to tolerate the cognitive dissonance of this serious quagmire!  Patients are going to be disheartened, even outraged, and you need to have a logical plan going forward.

This information needs to be widely distributed, discussed, and acted upon with immediate, profound, sweeping change.  The bureaucrats are pushing this agenda and will not make the decisions that you KNOW need to be made!  Physicians - we must take a stand, and uphold our Hippocratic Oath. 

Stand Up and Stand Out, with me DOCs! BE the great LEADERS you have worked so hard to become, with integrity and honor!  Physician leadership has never been more imperative!  

If the links below do not work, try a different browser.  If still unsuccessful, they have been censored; the links were all functioning at the time of their posting. 



https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/early-treatment-suppressed-vaccines?utm_source=podcast-email%2Csubstack&publication_id=1119676&post_id=137028719&utm_campaign=email-play-on-substack&utm_medium=email&r=1xehi6#play (9/13/23)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rG38_53SEbU  (August 20, 2023)

https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/dr-mccullough-deals-real-truth-to?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email#play    (August 30, 2023)

https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/mrna-covid-vaccines-may-be-triggering-aggressive-turbo-cancers-in-young-people-experts-5375766?utm_source=Bright&src_src=Bright&utm_campaign=bright-2023-08-28&src_cmp=bright-2023-08-28&utm_medium=email&est=r9fr1o7n0Ps1N0OT669vtBHtkEyCd5ZkOv4zZievi9i%2BYUylapk69lo7kdTGNZoyApiNqA%3D%3D  (July 28, 2023)














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