Extinquishing Burnout in Health Care Workers

burnout in healthcare workers categories of stress change agent chaos expectations healthcare crisis healthcare worker shortage highly reliable organization intense medical training leadership competencies leadership development leadership structure physician programming quadruple aim self-care strategies to manage burnout stress in healthcare work-life balance Jun 24, 2022

Dr. Kuper introduces 6 Categories of Stress that commonly lead to Burnout in Healthcare Workers:

1. Being in the Medical Field - a “Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous” Career which can feel like a Whirlwind of Chaos.

2. Physician Programming assimilated during Training

3. Intense Medical Training and the Ever-Changing Expectations

4. Specific Job Requirements

5. Leadership Structure, Competencies and Challenges.

6. Poor Work-Life Balance and Self-Care.

These STRESSORS combined with unmet professional needs are resulting in Burnout, Traumatized Healthcare Workers (Moral Injury) and a mounting Healthcare Worker Shortage, leading to a predicted Healthcare Crisis by 2034.

How do we Extinquish these Burnout Flames before they get too Out of Control within You, your Colleagues and even ripple out to your entire Organization?

1. Understand The Causes of Burnout - the depth and breadth of the problems.

2. Enhance your Leadership Development, Influence and Rapport by Learning the Strategies to Manage Burnout and many other Complex Leadership Dilemmas. This requires that we ALL Perform at the Top of Our Licenses, no matter our Role - as Healthy Individuals, Teams and Highly Reliable Organizations.

The great news is that Dr. Kuper is very passionate about this, because it matters at all three levels!  This the what you will look at; the full spectrum of issues in the Stand Up, Stand Out DOCs program, so that you can become the confident, influential leader of change that you have always dreamt about being.

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