Escape the Whirlwind of Burnout in Healthcare

dilemma emotional fatigue individual strategies meaning and purpose moral injury organizational strategies physician programming preventing burnout recovering from burnout resiliency strategies sequelae of burnout stand out stand up Jul 12, 2022

Burnout makes us feel like we're in a whirlwind of chaos every day. Since we rarely stop thinking about our patients, and we often work on our documentation at home, it’s hard to get a break!  Our personal self-care usually goes out the window first because we're so busy taking care of everyone else.

The goal in managing burnout is to learn how to step outside of those forces and the professional programming that led us to become workaholics, stoic superheroes, autonomous lone rangers, and energizer bunnies that never stop. It's time to create more meaning and purpose in our lives. We need to find a healthier path, the one that works best for us, or the sequelae of burnout could overpower us.

Preventing or recovering from burnout is akin to managing a bank account. We must stop expending so much energy (withdrawals) and increase the amount of recharge (deposits) coming into that account to have a healthier work-life balance. Likening that to the original definition of burnout: the fatigue and exhaustion correlates with our physical bank account. The depersonalization, sarcasm, cynicism, and compassion fatigue correlate to our emotional bank account. The lack of efficacy relates to our spiritual bank account.

Our work-life balance is not a simple problem to solve, rather it's a dilemma that requires a robust strategy. The video introduces the two categories of strategies to constantly balance on the fulcrum of life: organizational strategies and individual resiliency strategies.  We will discuss these in much more detail throughout the Stand Up, Stand Out DOCs program. 

To learn more go to Youtube Playlist

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