Develop Your Soft Skills - People Skills

character chemistry communication competence courtesy employee satisfaction flexibility inclusivity integrity interpersonal skills model of human behavior positive attitude productivity professionalism responsibility return on investment soft skills technical skills work ethic Sep 06, 2022

The DISC Model of Human Behavior and Emotional Intelligence are skills I WISH I could have learned way back in elementary school. I think it should be part of the standard curriculum at all levels, because everything we do, and the success we have relates to our ability to create and maintain good relationships. Unfortunately, it's not even taught in medical school, for teachers, or in many careers which involve serving people! When I finally did learn about it during a physician leadership course at age 48, I was giddy over it because it makes so much sense!  It helps you not only understand yourself and how you come across to others, but you learn how to understand, approach, and best work with other personality styles. This has helped improve my emotional intelligence, it's a constant work in progress!

An interview with Mr. Truett Cathy, the founder of Chick-fil-a revealed there are three qualities they look for when interviewing a potential owner, operator, or employee of Chick-fil-a. Those three qualities are character, competence, and chemistry.  People need to be able to get along with each other, being thoughtful and kind, rather than selfish and self-centered. Mr. Cathy said that anyone who demonstrates great character, competence, and chemistry will do well in any endeavor.



-85% is determined by Interpersonal, Soft Skills – your ability to get along with others (EQ).

-15% is determined by Technical Skills, Knowledge or Techniques (IQ).


TOP 10 SOFT SKILLS – the ability to communicate with each other and work well together.

  1. Communication
  2. Courtesy
  3. Flexibility
  4. Integrity
  5. Interpersonal Skills
  6. Positive Attitude
  7. Professionalism
  8. Responsibility
  9. Teamwork
  10. Work Ethic

This training bridges the soft skills gap that is often present in personal development programs.  Gaps in this basic knowledge result in CONFLICTS:

- 90% of conflict results from not understanding these concepts of human behavior.

- 10-20% of conflicts are due to the differences between introverts and extroverts, usually minor but observable irritations, or misunderstandings.

- 80-90% of conflicts involve misunderstandings between task-oriented people and relationship-oriented people. These can be major, and more difficult to resolve conflicts.

Where do you want to have the most influence over your practice? How do you want to influence your colleagues, nurses or clinic manager to gain their support/cooperation in order to move in a certain direction? This training will help you realize how to put more energy and effort into your relationships, where self-awareness and healthier communication can make all the difference. 

Benefits of the Personality Profile Report:

  • Improve communication
  • Identify Strengths
  • Increase productivity
  • Reduce stress
  • Learn how you come across to others
  • Grow personally
  • Be more motivated
  • Improve relationships through understanding
  • Develop amazing people skills
  • Unlock your leadership potential
  • Quickly identify personality traits in and learn to relate well with others


What makes this Personality Profile Report unique from other personality profiles?

Personality Profile Reports are distinguished from all other personality profiles available on the market by offering the following important features:

  • You will receive positive, personalized feedback. We want you to be encouraged after you read your report, so the language we use is uplifting and helpful. There are different types of reports that you can purchase. 
  • You will be encouraged in your strengths. You will better understand the value you have as an individual and on a team.
  • Your report will not label you in a simplistic manner. Many reports on the market give feedback based on only the 4 major personality traits. Your profile goes much further by emphasizing your unique BLEND of traits. Our technology is based on 41 specific blends of personality traits. Therefore, you get in-depth feedback while still having the advantage of the easily understood/basic DISC model.
  • You will not be labeled as having particular weaknesses or "blind-spots." No assumptions will be made about areas that you need to grow in. Instead, we identify tendencies and areas to consider in order to become your best without being critical. This is, perhaps, the most unique aspect of our approach.
  • We offer high value in the quality of the feedback given. We know that there is a wide range of personality products in various price ranges available on the market. Our approach is to offer reports that are both positive and practical, so we have invested heavily into our report processor system. Our content database is very extensive and has required many years to develop. Thus, our focus has not been to have the cheapest products, but to offer the best personality reports with the highest value.

This Training Methodology Gets RESULTS:

  1.  Productivity increases by 12%
  2.  Improves Employee Satisfaction
  3.  Nurtures Individuality and Inclusivity
  4.  Reduces employee turnover.
  5.  Return on Investment = 258%

So, as you can see, THIS works, therefore it is one of the first things that my Stand Up, Stand Out DOCs program offers to get you started in Investing in Yourself.  You can even do this as a separate training activity, apart from the full program if you prefer.  

Important Applications:

  • Human Resources and Hiring
  • Team building
  • Professional development
  • Leadership training
  • Sales training
  • Conflict management and conflict resolution
  • Career help and job matching
  • People skills awareness
  • Leveraging strengths in the workplace

Examples of the feedback you will receive:

  • Individual strengths
  • Personality traits
  • Communication style
  • Ideal work environment
  • Motivational style
  • Leadership style
  • Charts to show personality traits visually
  • Team interaction preferences and suggestions
  • Conflict management suggestions

This is a great opportunity to easily and quickly improve your Emotional Intelligence, Trust and Influence in your Relationships.  Let's Get Started!

Coach Kris Kuper, MD, FAAP, CPE


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