Are You Facing A Giant?

burnout in healthcare burnout resources burnout symptoms coaching compassion fatigue dealing with burnout exhaustion overwhelmed physician mentorship recovery from burnout work-life balance Mar 30, 2022

Have you been feeling like you are lost in the wilderness of our chaotic healthcare system?  Maybe like you are between a rock and a hard place with regard to managing your career goals, burnout, moral injury or current employment status?  Do you feel dysenfranchised, overwhelmed from lack of support, or like your back is against a wall because you need this job but you're not sure how to make it work for you and your family?  Does your self-talk sound something like this:

"I've spent all this time, energy, money and XX years of experience getting DAMN good at what I trained so hard to do, only for my career to turn out like this?!  What the heck?!  What a crying shame, an absolute nightmare! This is NOT what I signed up for; this is not what my dream looked like.  NOW WHAT?!??  I am so fatigued; I can't stand my job!  Some days I can't stand my life!  Things have gotten really tough; people can be so rude, demanding, and mean sometimes, I can't take this anymore!  

However, I know everyone is stressed; I can't give up, I'm not a quitter.  It seems like there are fewer and fewer of us every day. And believe it or not, on a good day, I really do still love my patients. My patients would never understand; I can't let them down! 

Then there are my colleagues, my family, my community - what are they all going to think of me?   NO, I haven't lost it; I'm not crazy.  I'm just..... TIRED, just plain EXHAUSTED and worse yet, I may have an element of compassion fatigue for those whom I am supposed to be serving!  I care, but I've just got nothing left to give! I feel so powerless and alone!

I need help dealing with burnout and this moral injury thing that has crept in over the past several years.  I've got to figure out my work-life balance; how to get my life back! I can't keep going like this!"  

If that sounds familiar, I totally get it - I've been there and felt all of that!   I am very passionate to help you manage and prevent worsening of your issues.  I've condensed over two decades of leadership learning and experience into this program - to help guide you through your wilderness, and save you valuable time, energy and money.

Coaching from an experienced physician mentor will get you better results than any other learning method.  Let's work together, to get you back on the path that YOU want to be on - at the pace you want to go and the influence you need to see your vision through to fruition.  Sign up today or schedule a free call to talk more about it!  

Coach Kris Kuper, MD, FAAP, CPE

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