The Storms of Life - Burnout in the Medical Field

burnout in the medical field burnout management burnout symptoms compassion fatigue exhaustion fatigue perspective self-awareness self-care Mar 30, 2022

I love being out in nature.  I spent this particular day dodging rain showers while trying to find a suitable place to hike.  I persisted and was finally hiking in this very beautiful area when I suddenly realized the clouds had caught up with me again.  However this time, I got a lesson in perspective taking.  I had the rare opportunity to see a storm brewing in the east and a beautiful sunset in the west, occurring simultaneously!    

It got me thinking about the dark, looming clouds of life that can draw so much of our attention and create such negative, anxious energy.  Sometimes all we can see are the bumps in the road, the rocky obstacles in our path, and imagine scary things in the windy darkness.  At that moment, we instinctively look around for the quickest way out - on a clearer, safer path! 

Burnout symptoms are like an emotional storm and include:

1). Fatigue and exhaustion, loss of energy, drive, concentration, inspiration, and creativity,

2). Feeling irritable, impatient, critical, sarcastic, cynical, with compassion fatigue; and

3). Lack of efficacy, fulfillment and joy.

Self care and burnout management skills are important to keep yourself on a healthy path. This day, though I had spent more time running from the storm than enjoying the day, all I had to do was to stop and turn 180 degrees to see the trail and a gorgeous sunset.  What a perfect ending to a successful day!  It was mother nature's way of reminding me of an important lesson. 

If we can simply stop, then pause long enough to turn around and look in another direction - potentially even ask for your travel buddy's perspective - it can help us move away from the darkness and those feelings of self doubt, self-criticism, fear and anxiety.

It’s a reminder to always look for the bright side and keep the sunny perspective in front of us. It helps you remember who we’re meant to be and do what we’re meant to do, with the fervor and positive energy we were called to do it! 

After this short reflection, I had just enough time to hustle back to the truck before it started pouring!  No wasted time! What a great day it was after all!  YES!!!!

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