Coach Kris Kuper, MD, FAAP, CPE

Dr. Kuper is a personable, enthusiastic pediatrician, who enjoys full-spectrum care, including attending high-risk deliveries.  She always goes the extra mile for families and colleagues.  The physician:patient relationship is her favorite part of medicine. 

Dr. Kuper says, "As much as I love clinical medicine, the other half of my brain really enjoys leadership.  I recognized early in my career that leadership skills were very valuable and necessary to keep up with the massive changes occurring in medicine.  Physician leadership is more important than ever. Since it's not taught in school, it requires extra effort to complete that aspect of our medical education."

"I was always the one wanting to teach new concepts to the rest of my group; so my new passion is to expand my reach beyond the walls of a single organization.  Let's create a community of growth-minded, courageous healthcare leaders to fill the gap between what we have and what we really want." 


Dr. Kuper is a personable, enthusiastic pediatrician, who enjoys full-spectrum care, including attending high-risk deliveries.  She always goes the extra mile for families and colleagues.  The physician:patient relationship is her favorite part of medicine. 

Dr. Kuper says, "As much as I love clinical medicine, the other half of my brain really enjoys leadership.  I recognized early in my career that leadership skills were very valuable and necessary to keep up with the massive changes occurring in medicine.  Physician leadership is more important than ever. Since it's not taught in school, it requires extra effort to complete that aspect of our medical education."

"I was always the one wanting to teach new concepts to the rest of my group; so my new passion is to expand my reach beyond the walls of a single organization.  Let's create a community of growth-minded, courageous healthcare leaders to fill that gap." 

Dr. Kuper’s servant-leadership style is based on the following core values:




I earned my medical degree from the University of Iowa College of Medicine in 1993 and completed my pediatric residency at the University of Minnesota in 1996.


My Mission is to empower physicians and related health care professionals to stand up against the multiple forces of burnout, and stand out as influential leaders of change to improve work-life balance, reduce stress, and restore joy in life.


My Vision is to help create healthy organizations in which all employees feel valued and are passionately engaged in meaningful and fulfilling work. All voices are heard and everyone contributes synergistically at the top of their licenses to achieve the Quadruple Aim with a stable financial future.

Subsequent to her medical  training, Dr. Kuper pursued formal physician leadership training through:

  • Practicing Excellence Institute for Physicians, Studer Group, 2008.

  • The Montana Medical Association, Physician Leadership Effectiveness Program, 2014-2105.

  • The Global Leadership Summit, 2014 to present.

  • The American Association for Physician Leadership, 2016 to present.  Became a Certified Physician Executive (CPE), 2019.

  • The Happy MD, Physician Burnout and Wellness, 2020 to present.

  • The Personality Insights Institute:

    - Certified DISC Profile Analyst, 2021
    - DISC Certified Human Behavior Consultant, 2021

I was a go-getter straight out of residency, just like you - stretching my wings, learning how to be a real doctor without supervision!  I thought I could handle being on call (far too often) while juggling my responsibiities as a young mother.  I dearly loved my group and my patients.  The thrill of making a difference kept me going for nearly a decade.  It was all very exciting, until suddenly it wasn't! 

I experienced my first episode of burnout nine years into my career.  I had been working hard on improving several quality and safety issues at the local hospital - and one day I had had enough, I just couldn't take it anymore! 

I thought it was just me; not realizing that system issues had worn me down to the point where, in retrospect, I met numerous criteria for burnout.  That term, and work-life balance weren't even being discussed back then. I spoke with a trusted senior partner, but there weren't any physician experts on the subject, and I certainly wasn't going to confide in a counselor in our small town.

Thankfully, I had an outstanding administrator who encouraged me to take a 3 month sabbatical.  In the meantime, she hired another pediatric partner to lighten the burden upon my return!  I am eternally grateful, and was inspired by her leadership! 

Being a highly engaged, early adopter of change, I went to find answers.  I didn't find many medically-based burnout or leadership resources at that time, so my primary learning came from outside of healthcare.  This was a refreshing, intriguing change of pace which created an incredible thirst for more.  I realized how our medical training had left us with a gap in business and leadership skills, which didn't sit well with me - especially since I was a young partner in a progressive, physician-owned group.  This sabbatical gave me the opportunity to ignite my quest for knowlege in a very new arena. 

I eventually gained amazing experience and leadership competencies through several formal training programs.  I practiced my new skills within the numerous medical committees, community task forces, and the three medical practices where I served.  My most recent position was Chief Medical Officer - a straddle physician: working 50% as a pediatrician and 50% as the CMO.  



I counteracted my burnout by fulfilling my life-long dream of returning to my farmgirl roots. My husband and I bought a 10-acre property and converted it into a hobby farm with cows, horses, chickens, bunnies and a dog!  Our family got involved with two active horse clubs. We developed many wonderful relationships as we rode and camped in many beautiful parks throughout Minnesota and the Black Hills of South Dakota.

These amazing experiences definitely improved my outlook and are still the subject of our favorite family stories.  It was such a blast, we moved "out west" to discover even more of the countries' expansive beauty; hiking and horseback riding in the mountains! 

We enjoyed 5 years on this marvelous adventure before my life CHANGED dramatically! 

Becoming an Overcomer!

I was excited about working with a new administration, culture, staff, EMR, and panel of patients.  I did my best to contribute and provide value in all the ways I had before. 

I did what all physicians do, worked even harder to get re-established! I became more out of shape and increasingly frustrated about my career and life trajectory. 

Then all of a sudden, WHAM - the cumulative oxidative stress hit me like a ton of bricks!  Twenty-two years of examining small children, laboring over administrative minutia and charting for hours on end put me on the bench!  I had been an athlete my whole life, but my weekend warrior exercise program was not cutting it - there was something very wrong!

By the end of a lengthy work-up, we arrived at the answer.  I was in a war against breast cancer and multifocal degenerative disc disease.  I was a hot MESS! 

I went through 2 years of hell, but was victorious over the cancer!  The toxicities of chemotherapy wreaked even more havoc on my musculoskeletal system, so I continue to manage those issues today. 

I grieved the loss of my beloved pediatric practice, but gained an invaluable perspective about my LIFE! 


  • Self-advocacy, being vulnerable and courageously asking for help are the greatest lessons I learned. It is OK to lean on someone else’s expertise and strength until you have regained your own!

  • My experience is the reason I created Stand Up, Stand Out DOCs! I want to make a difference in the largest conversation in healthcare today – preserving the health and well-being of my colleagues!

  • I can’t bear to stand by and watch healthcare professionals suffer through their burnout alone, like I did. I want to inspire and empower you to become an overcomer of your issues too!  
  • I am a supportive, compassionate peer coach, with mountains of empathy to assist with your challenges.  
  • It's OK to ask for help; I am here to STAND UP, and STAND OUT for and with you.
  • Most can use the strategies within this program to improve work-life balance in order to stay within their field.  But if you have to hang up your stethoscope, I totally get it.  We can discuss how to explore alternative career avenues, just like I have. 
  • You are NEVER alone! Your health and well-being are far more important than maintaining your bullet-proof persona under this extreme stress.  If you allow others to lend a hand, including being open to options you may not have considered before, you can tackle anything!  
  • I would love to hear your story!  Let's explore some ideas to minimize the impact on your health, wealth, work-life balance, and relationships.  

Let's see YOUR victory pose!  


ASIDE: Learn how Dr. Kuper combats OXIDATIVE STRESS.
Why Physician Leadership?

I am forever grateful for the mentorship of my first and very kind Level 4 leader.  Over my 25 year career, I have seen how critically important leadership skills are to be successful in this ever changing world.  All physicians are leaders at some level, it is a core feature of what we do.  We need to continue improving our competencies in this area, but have a hard time finding the time/energy to invest!  

That's exactly why I created this condensed, customizable program - for crazy busy professionals like you! 

The inspiring, streamlined content is designed to encourage creative dialogue toward change and exceptional healthcare delivery.   

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Is your Giant the Medical System/Bureaucracy you face every day?
Is your back against a wall?
Could you use a guide to help navigate your wilderness (Healthcare System)?
Need help with work-life balance and symptoms of burnout or moral injury?

Coaching from an experienced physician mentor can get you on the right path.  Dr. Kuper wants to help you to recover from burnout; at the pace you want to go, and with the influence you need to make it happen.  This benefits not only you, but your team and your entire family! 

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Dr. Kuper is excited to guide you on your journey. 

I'm ready to Enroll - LET'S DO THIS!